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Art in Motion - John R. Bonner Jr.

Capturing images that inspire and drive the story,

John Bonner has spent the last 30 years perfecting

his craft. With a wide range of productions under

his belt, he has transversed Film, Television,

Documentaries, Music Videos, and Commercials

to become the best of the best. Regardless of the

format, John always consistently deliver quality

shots within any budget range, bringing the best

talents together to create footage that is truly



See his Demo Reel Here


For more on his work check out his IMDB page.


Some of John's films are streaming now:


- "The Killing Machine"

  A sci-fi film about a TV repairmen who builds

a robot that he rents out as a hired killer. As cinematographer, John brought life to the story

through his lighting and pro camera work.


- "Animal In Us All"

   A comedy film based on the work of Tom Konkle

and David Beeler, John's cinematography added

the classic western feel to a simple story.


- "Test Drive"

  A fast paced comedy film about an old fashioned

driver who gets caught up in a new car scam, an

electric car that takes him hostage. John's camera

and lighting work makes the scenes come alive,

filling the frames with style and character.


You can contact John at :